The Practitioner Certification course

With 24 case studies

Please note you have to have completed the Animaltalk Africa Intermediate Course in order to qualify for enrollment in this course.

This course aims to prepare you for the Professional Practitioner Certification. 

The modules focus on guiding you in the ethics and practicalities of becoming a professional animal communicator. 

Once you have completed the modules you will be asked to submit 24 successful case studies in order to achieve your certificate. This certificate means that you can practice as a professional Animal Communicator under the banner of Animaltalk Africa.

Completion of this course now qualifies you to take post graduate degree courses with Ubiquity University.

Wynter talks about the Practitioner's Course

Practitioners Course curriculum

    1. WELCOME to the Practitioner's Course

    2. About the Practitioner's Course

    3. Code of Ethics

    4. Soul Service with Carolyn Myss

    1. Module One - OVERVIEW

    2. Topic 1 – Introduction

    3. Topic 2 - Getting Started

    4. Topic 3 – Clients

    5. Topic 3 - Sample Form Letter for New Clients

    6. Topic 4 – Being Prepared

    1. Module Two - OVERVIEW

    2. TOPIC 1- Clearing & Protecting

    3. TOPIC 2 - Setting Boundaries

    4. TOPIC 3 - Looking after yourself

    5. Topic 4 -Team Work

    1. Module Three - OVERVIEW

    2. TOPIC 1 - Challenges with Clients

    3. TOPIC 2 - EGO

    4. TOPIC 3 – Threat

    5. TOPIC 4 – Neediness

    6. TOPIC 5 – Skeptics

    1. Module Four - OVERVIEW

    2. TOPIC 1 – Integrity

    3. TOPIC 2 - Sample Case Studies - Janine Opheim

    4. TOPIC 2 - Sample Case Studies - Lorraine Turner

    5. TOPIC 3 – Submission Process

    6. TOPIC 4 – Check List

    1. Format for Case Studies

    2. Practitioners Case-study uploads

About this course

  • $1,060.00
  • 54 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Details about the Practitioner Course

The Advanced and Certification Course consists of  4 Modules with meditations, exercises and videos 

  • Taking this work onto a professional level 
  • Working with Clients 
  • Making a Difference 
  • Becoming familiar with the code of Ethics of being a professional Animal Communicator 
  • Submitting 24 case studies 

This course aims to prepare you for the Practitioner certification.
The modules focus on guiding you in becoming a professional animal communicator.
It will help in your interactions with the humans who are the friends and custodians of the animals, as well as the animals themselves.
Ultimately we want to see that you are able to make a positive difference in the lives of the animals and their humans though your process of interspecies communication. The course content guides you to use different tools and other modalities and when to receive assistance from other professional health care practitioners in order to work holistically with each case.

Once you have completed the modules and you will be ready to submit 24 case studies. 

You are encouraged to do at least one study per week during your practitioner training. 

We ask you to submit only the most successful of your sessions. The figure of 24 gives you time to select a minimum of 2 case studies per month. 

Once you have achieved your Practitioner certificate, you will be placed on Animaltalkafrica’s international list of reputable animal communicators. Wynter will then personally be able to recommend you to clients. This will mean that you can charge people for providing a genuine service that will directly benefit them and their animal friends, in the knowledge that you have qualified to do so by completing a formal training programme. 

You will also be part of an international community of qualified animal communicators who could refer clients to each other (particularly for home visits in different cities and countries) and give each other support.

Become a Certified Animal Communicator

Are you ready to take the final step?

Please Note

Their will be a necessary increase in the rate coming into effect on the 1st July 2024. If you enrol in the Introduction and Intermediate courses before the 1st July, you will be able to sign up for the Practitioner Course at the pre July rate until the 1st October 2024.